Eri and Emi Mizuno

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Etsuma is a well known consul of the city state who runs offices in La Noscea and even Uldah. A towering raen with ivory and golden scales, who was recognizable to travelers, locals and friends of the Mizuno clan. For over thirty summers, he has cared for his citizens who wish to travel to the western lands. He offered them insurance and even estates, whether their time away from the East be temporary or permanent.Yes it was true Etsuma had all he needed and more, at least he thought so. This was until he met the love of his life in Kugane. A raen woman, Inoue no Cho. She was a dental practioner, who traveled often for business and leisure. Her voice gentle and sweet. Similar to a lotus floating gracefully on water. Etsuma was determined to do anything he could for this woman, to nurture and care for her. Cho didn't take too long to fall deeply for the large, yet gentle consul. The two dated for a summer, married the next and have been together since. It was truly love at first sight, for these two romantics.The eastern couple wasted no time, with little they had to themselves. The next summer the Kami blessed the couple, Cho was pregnant. For a while, Etsuma spent time in his homeland with Cho while she carried their daughters. Cho went into labor in their large Hingashi home, surrounded by her husband and their doctors. Cho was able to naturally bear both girls. After eight bells time, the first baby was born at the stroke of midnight, Eri-san. At 00:02, Emi-san was welcomed onto Etheirys, almost twenty years ago from today. Etsuma spent two summers of parental time, working from his Kugane home. After this he went back to work, he’d occasionally take the two with him to the West!


Emi and Eri became quite accustomed to western lands at a young age. They were exposed to the youth and culture, attending schools in Sharlayan. The two would spent summer breaks, back in their homeland with their okaasan [mother], so they never strayed too far from their eastern roots. Eri seemed to favor more eastern aspects, where as her sister was more into culture of the western lands they frequented with otousan [father]. This led the twins to have differing personalities, like many identical twins!Though with age the girls started expressing themselves a bit differently, they were still the best of friends who enjoyed the same activities. Shared activities were: koi keeping, meditation, ochaya visits, and cooking! Occasionally, Emi can get Eri to attend Eorzean nightclubs with her. Both girls speak fluent Hingan and Eorzean. It is a skill they were required to learn at a younge age, considering the occupation of their ryōshin.Currently, the two are furthering their studies in Old Sharlayan. They are both second years of further education. (The equivalent of a sophomore in college) Eri is studying botany and writing, even writing her own tomes. She wished to become a florist part-time while being able to fully focus on her books as an occupation. Emi is still uncertain of a path, but is passionate about seamstry, music and interior design. She hasn't created any clothing, rather modified what she already has.


About Eri

★★★★☆ - Honesty
★★★★☆ - Emotionality
★★☆☆☆ - Extroversion
★★★★☆ - Agreeableness
★★★★★ - Consciousness
★★★★☆ - Openness

Source for Hexaco scores:

Eri is a bit more reserved in comparison to her twin sister. She is kind and social enough, but needs to retreat and recharge after a certain amount of time. She doesn't prefer raising her voice and getting heated in tough situations. Rather, she is analytic and examines the scenario at a logical view. Eri loves sporting pastel and rose pink, wearing a lot of skirts and frilly dresses. Not to mention, her favorite sakura headband. Two of which she made herself, one for her and one for her beloved sis. At venues, Eri prefers to either stay in a corner or stay with her sister. Eri is a bit more wise and timid in her decision making and wants to think things through in contrast to Emi. Usually serving as a "voice of reason" for them. She naturally has dark black hair, like both her parents, but is rarely ever seen without it dyed a pastel rose or blonde. Her eyes are large and sky blue, like Etsuma's. She wears her makeup with dark pink liner and light pink shadow, coupled with light and more natural pinkened lips.

About Emi

★★☆☆☆ - Honesty
★★★★★ - Emotionality
★★★★☆ - Extroversion
★★★★☆ - Agreeableness
★★☆☆☆ - Consciousness
★★★★★ - Openness

Source for Hexaco scores:

Despite her size, Emi is a fearless spit-fire. She loves adventure and getting into trouble, as long as it's not harming anyone physically. Emi tends to get a bit more reprimands due to her nature. She often wants to disturb the peace in Kugane, running around the markets with friends without order. Often being scolded by older locals and laughing in their faces. The sekiseigumi have arrested her and carried her back to her parents, only to receive a slap on the wrist since her father was a consul. Etsuma and Cho did punish her privately, however. Emi is forward in her decisions and outright about what she wants, she tends to be that "push" for her sister to experience new things. Emi's hair is also naturally a dark black; she occasionally wears it all one color or highlights it! Her eyes are large and baby blue, like her father as well. Both girls take on Cho's small-framed stature. She wears her makeup with blackened eye liner, with white accents to make her eyes appear larger, sometimes coupled with light or dark shadow and light lipstick (red or natural).

Eri Dye Aesthetic: Rose Pink, Pastel Pink, Cherry Pink, Lotus Pink.

Emi Dye Aesthetic: Pastel Purple, Pastel Green, Lotus Pink, Jet Black.